Malware password computation

Subject: Solve this if you could...!!!!
Subject: Solve this if you could...!!!!
For all Math's champs, Accounting Experts & Number Numbssss...
(including future champs too)
Find the 6th Number
1, 2, 6, 42, 1806, ____?
6th number is the password of the attachment.
If u could solve it.... add your Name in the attached file...& pass your friends & colleagues!!
You will find my name also in it�
Have solving...!!
Do reply me if you solve it, I will be happy to see your name in XLS sheet.
Thanks & Regards,
Bruno North
Engineer - Application Development
CSC, India (Indore)
Contact me @
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垃圾邮件阻止日期/时间 : 2010年8月9日 22:00:00 GMT-8
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