Black Friday and Cyber Monday Spam Offer Fake Discounts

Spammed messages that leverage Black Friday and Cyber Monday are found in the wild. These spammed messages inform users on the various offers and discounts on software items and contain multiple links redirecting to a commerce website. It then instructs users to use the Coupon Codes: BLAK-2011 for Black Friday and CYBR-2011 for Cyber Monday. These codes are in actual, the instruction set of a system to lead the link into a malicious site. Furthermore, the message also contains “salad” words at the end of the email, which is probably done to bypass email filters.
Users are advised to be wary of messages that offer unbelievable disocunts.
垃圾邮件阻止日期/时间 : 2011年11月29日 23:59:00 GMT-8
- TMASE引擎(全局:6.8
- TMASE样式(全局):8548