分析者: Mark Christian Aquino

Every occasion is an opportunity for cybercriminals to set up too-good-to-be-true schemes. Every Christmas, Mother's Day, even country-specific holidays have been taken advantage of. This time around, 2013 Father's Day is the holiday that comes to a cybercriminal's mind. Those of us wanting to buy our gifts online should be wary as we have spotted a spammed message that contains what seems to be a great deal. The message offers discounts on their products. Clicking on the link in the spammed message brings the reader to a webpage selling replica watches and bags. Looking closely at the spammed message and the webpage, it appears to be similar to the Father's Day Promo Spam we spotted a year ago.

We recommend users to go to their trusted online shops directly by accessing these sites through their Favorites or browser bookmarks. Trend Micro™ product users, on the other hand, are protected from spammed messages like this through the Smart Protection Network™.

 垃圾邮件阻止日期/时间 : 2013年6月10日 0:00:00 GMT-8
  • TMASE引擎(全局:7.0
  • TMASE样式(全局):9930