Spammed aviation news with Powerpoint exploit

From: club aviation
Subject: China-made C919 to compete with Airbus, Boeing, Air France Flight 447 (crash pictures)
Subject: China-made C919 to compete with Airbus, Boeing, Air France Flight 447 (crash pictures)
China-made C919 to compete with Airbus, Boeing
Download Attachment: CHina jumbo jet C919.ppt
Get to know China's C919
THE Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd will call its first large passenger jet, due to roll off the production line ine eight years, the C919, said its chief designer, Wu Guanghui.
Hi all,
These pictures wwere taken by a passenger of Flight 447, We got it back from camera's memory stick.
It's miserable and startled.
attachment: 447(a).ppt
Aviation Club
垃圾邮件阻止日期/时间 : 2009年3月16日 1:15:08 GMT-8
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