From: The Replication Specialists
Subject: Quantities are low, Better Early than Late, New Models are here, Reminder, Some supplies are low

Christmas Notification:

Our 2010 replication models have arrived BUT we have limited supplies.

2010 Products in Limited Supply:

-Replication Watches
-Replication Jewelry
-Replication Handbags

What makes our replications the BEST?

-Our Replication models cost 85% less than the 'Original'
-Our Replication models use the smae materials as the 'Original'
-Our Replication models are EXACT replications

DUE TO LIMITED SUPPLIES we are suggesting customers to have orders placed prior to November 1st, 2009.

Replications Available @:

 垃圾邮件阻止日期/时间 : 2009年10月30日 22:00:00 GMT-8
  • TMASE引擎(全局:10000
  • TMASE样式(全局):6980