The spam emails contain a recent payment notification from different spoofed bank email addresses. The mail's body has a link that downloads a .
更多With the .IQY malware being a hot topic in recent months, it comes as no surprise that it has adapted to become another variant that uses the embedding capability of PDFs.
更多More news on the malicious spam front - we recently received two waves of what appears to be malformed malspam. The first one has 'Supplement payment [Random Number]' for its subject heading, while ...
更多Ransomware-related spam emails usually use archived attachments to deliver the malware. However, this time, we've found the ransomware Locky to arrive via spam emails that contain HTML attachments.
更多The Locky ransomware spam campaign appears to be in full force as we find not just one but two new samples of Locky-ridden spammed mails in this report. The first one arrives with the subject 'Email...
更多Trojan Powmet are arriving as attachments to invoice and efax-related emails. In spoofed invoice mails, .
更多Ransomware is a common malicious attachment found in spam mail campaigns. In this particular instance, we found samples of two new spam campaigns sporting Locky ransomware making the rounds.
更多A fake invoice spoofing Amazon Marketplace is spreading Locky ransomware. The email contains a message thanking the recipient for their purchase and refers to an attached invoice as proof of purchase.
更多Fake voicemail email notifications with malicious attachments and/or links appear to be in vogue with cybercriminals today, as our engineers have begun to receive samples of this type of spam campaign...
更多Fake emails spoofing Herbalife are infecting users with malicious code. The email is an acknowledgement of purchase that includes an attached tax invoice.